A review by btpbookclub
The Optician's Wife by Betsy Reavley


A big thank you to Betsy for letting me read and review her book!
The Opticians Wife will be released on June the 18th and I would highly recommend you pre-order or buy it as this is a story you do not want to miss! I awarded five stars as I was hooked throughout and really enjoyed it. I can even imagine this story being turned into a film. There is a MASSIVE twist to this story that even I did not expect, but I will not be giving anything away as I will let you find out for yourself. I could not put this book down and it kept me guessing throughout, until the brilliant ending where all was revealed! The Opticians Wife is an excellent, thrilling story for all readers especially if you love thrillers, mystery, crime, suspense and killer filled stories.
Go pre-order it NOW! I promise you will not be disappointed.
Enjoy, I did.