A review by caffeinatedcrystal
Love, Utley by S.J. Tilly



*dreamily sighs and stares off into space*

I just finished LOVE, UTLEY, and honestly, SJ Tilly continues to impress.

I couldn't have swooned harder over Maddox if I tried. He was the perfect mix of macho and sweet. And Hannah. She was just the absolute best. This story was so good!

Hannah and Maddox share a night locked in the library in college. But Hannah has to leave school [it's redacted!] but before she leaves, she writes Maddox a letter. Explaining things.

15 years later, Maddox has bought the company Hannah works for - and neither of them knew.

LOVE, UTLEY is the second chance romance dreams are made of. It's second chance. It's *made for each other*. It's *they were the opposite of you*.

Not only was the romance meter tipping, but the spicy scenes were 🔥🔥🔥. Maddox is possessive as hell. There was such a desperation to both of them. They were so scared that another 15 years would happen, and they'd be separated again.

These two had such amazing chemistry. I love the idea that even though circumstances kept them apart, they inevitably would be pulled back together.

I was an absolute mess the last 30% of the book. So many big feelings! Although admittedly the story was so compelling, it seemed like the 400 pages just disappeared. I was that absorbed by what Hannah and Maddox were going through.

Tilly set the stage for another great series. I can't wait to see who is next. Waller, if I had to guess.

I wish I could spill all my favorite parts.
But no spoilers!!!

Okay, but let me just say - THE NICKNAME.
Babe and Little Bunny.
Come on. The cuteness factor is off the charts.

In case you were wondering, I ADORED this book.
Love, Utley will be available June 27th.

If you like M/F stories, you definitely need to add to your tbr!