A review by ssejig
Decked by Carol Higgins Clark

This book kicks off the Regan Reilly series of detective novels. Clark has a unique writing style which has the third person omniscient narrator jumping from character to character so that we get to see a little bit of each person's part as the whole story unfolds.
The narrative starts off with a murder, then jumps ten years to a theft and then starts to bring all of the characters together.
Private investigator Regan is attending a reunion of an overseas boarding school (?) that she went to with her friend Kit. While there, Regan's roommate disappeared. At the time, no one was worried but now her body has appeared just over the boundary of one of their teacher's aunt's house. Said aunt, Veronica, is about to embark on an overseas cruise to America on the same ship as Regan's funeral home director father, Luke, and bestselling mystery author mother, Nora. Veronica's companion becomes ill and Regan's old teacher offers to pay double her daily rate to act in her stead.
Is there a lot going on in these books? Yes. This is just the first fifty pages. But Clark generally makes the books easy to read despite large numbers of characters and jumping story lines.