A review by clgaston31
Blood Bond by Heather Hildenbrand


Well the last book left us with wanting to learn more about the Hybrids and why they wanted Tara. This book does not disappoint as we learn why the Hybrids want Tara and what will happen.
Tara is home for the summer and of course it is not the ordinary summer every teenage girl would have. The hybrids come after Tara on multiple occasions. They finally give her the ultimatum to either turn herself and Cord in or they will kill all of her friends and family. Of course knowing how Tara is, she turns herself over and so does Cord.
Who is behind all of this you might ask? Well it is Olivia, Miles mother and she wants revenge from Miles death. While she tortures Cord, she makes Tara give the hybrids her blood so they also become hybrids. Little does Olivia know, but all the Hybrids have a new leader once Tara’s blood gets worked into their system. The hybrids now have the same connection as Tara has with George. She know has her own army of hybrids.
This was a great flip to the story. I really love that everything flows together so well throughout the books. I just keep falling more and more in love with this series every time I read another book. I would have liked to see more of the connection with Alex and Tara, but I guess that is difficult with Wes being right there. I am interested to see what happens with Alex now that he has been bitten by Tara and then injected with her blood. Is he now a hybrid as well? If so, will that be what makes him hate her since everything he stands for is against wolves? I am diving right into the next book to find out!