A review by doesemilyread
Just Kids by Patti Smith


I always find it hard to rate memoirs, I feel like giving a low rating is somehow rating the authors life poorly. That isn’t what I’m doing here. This book just wasn’t good. It had some nice moments here and there, but that’s it.

I picked this up after seeing it quite a lot in various places and I wanted to love it. I love NYC as a backdrop for books, and I loved the fact it was titled as a love story. That wasn’t what this felt like for me. It was, in some parts beautifully written, but most of the time I was bored and a little confused. The writing felt very ‘chippy choppy’ and disjointed.

All that I am taking away from this book is that Patti Smith is very pretentious, knows lots of people (likes to brag about it) and likes lobster, couscous and steak - so much so she keeps it in her pockets sometimes.

My thoughts in emoji: