A review by terrybain
Geometry of Grief: Reflections on Mathematics, Loss, and Life by Michael Frame


There was lots of interesting geometry stuff in here, and I do like lots of interesting geometry stuff. There was also some good memoir and even a few tidbits of grief. The book did not really convince me of what it seemed to be trying to convince me of, namely that geometry could help with the grief process. I have no question that there is a geometry of grief, and even that Michael Frame has received some benefit in his own grief process with geometry, but the connections made in the book were a bit willowy for me. They were fun and interesting and sometimes hard enough to follow that I simply gave up trying to follow them, but I don't really care. When I read about grief I'm mostly interested in seeing how someone else covers themself in the swaddling rather than in seeing how they are going to help me with my own grief. And there is plenty of that here. My grief and experience are too disparate from Mr. Frame for it to make any sense as a frame-work (ha ha ha), but it works absolutely as a slit in the fabric of human experience through which I can empathize with his grief. And that's all I'm asking.