A review by joanav
Lady Sophie's Christmas Wish by Grace Burrowes


Review originally published at Romancing Romances.

I received an eARC at no cost from the publisher, and I am leaving a voluntary and honest review. Thank you.


I loved this book! I’ve always really enjoyed Christmas/Holidays related books, and this one hit all the right spots.

Sophie is the sensible sister. She doesn’t give problems to anyone. So, when she decides to spend some time at Christmas with friends, her family doesn’t worry. But Sophie has a plan. She wants to spend some of her Christmas alone. But her plans get sidetracked when she is left stranded with someone else’s baby.

Queue Vim, our hero. I’ll admit right away, I love babies. I find them adorable, and I love holding them. And whenever I see someone who is good with a baby, I just feel happy. And Vim, well, he’s perfect with young Kit. How he helps Sophie without ever mocking her, or making feel like she’s doing something wrong, it’s just perfect.

I really enjoyed the relationship between both the hero and the heroine, and them with Kit. It was adorable, with our characters stuck due to a snow storm, learning about each other, and relating in a way they couldn’t with other people. Sometimes it’s just easier to talk to a stranger than someone who’s known you forever, right?

I also really liked hoe Sophie’s brothers didn’t try to decide for her, or just beat Vim. They understood that they were in love, but apparently there was some form of impediment, so they decided to do what they could to help them. Great brothers!

All in all, a great romance, with some steamy moments, very romantic, very adorable, and it just made me very happy.