A review by littletaiko
We Love You, Charlie Freeman by Kaitlyn Greenidge


If it weren't for the fact that I really liked Mister Monkey, I'd think that maybe books with monkeys weren't for me as I really did not connect wth this book or with We Are Completely Beside Ourselves. Maybe it's books where people try to bond a bit too much with monkeys that bother me. The Freeman family has been chosen to move to an institute to teach Charlie, a chimpanzee, sign language and to have him become part of their family as a son and brother. It starts off well as the events are from the oldest daughter Charlotte's point of view. Charlotte may be the only sane member of this family by the time everything is said and done. The events that unfold just get weirder and weirder with nobody actually acting like an actual logical human being from what I could tell.