A review by abby_gail_noel
Hooked by Emily McIntire


I… what? Pardon me? I offer a solution to all of you, it’s called therapy. All of you who rated this anything higher than a one, you all need therapy. And this author needs to go to jail. Nay, federal prison. I’ve written a haiku for everyone:

A hate letter to…
The worst book I ever read.
Cringe, gross, concerning.

This is LITERALLY the WORST BOOK I’ve EVER READ in my ENTIRE LIFE. Y’all are not okay. Never taking a recommendation from booktok ever again. I’ve lost all of my trust and faith in humanity. I’m embarrassed I even read this, disgusted even. RED FLAGS EVERYWHERE. But I finished it, so I could warn all of the poor unfortunate souls even considering reading this to do anything else. Read a textbook. Don’t read at all. I don’t care. Just not this insta love, major red flag, plot devoid mess of a book.

Goodnight. Geez.

*hangs head and regrets life choices