A review by reneesmith
Hidden Among the Stars by Melanie Dobson


Such a tender, poignant, powerful story! I think this one will haunt me. The Holocaust storyline made me think of all those who sacrifice with little recognition so that others may live. How easy it is to feel unseen & unknown. Yet as the character I appreciated most learned, though the earth may not contain the happy ending we long for, we are never alone. Never forgotten. Never left without hope. And in eternity, all will be fulfilled and made right. The present day story reminded me that how we live our lives—even if we feel small & insignificant—makes a difference to future generations.

So glad I read this one!

My favorite passage:

“Sometimes I wonder where God is in the midst of such heartache.”

“I think God’s in the center of it all.”

My eyes grow wide. “That sounds so cruel.”

“I don’t mean it to be cruel. It’s just . . . I spent years wrestling through the question of why God would allow harm to come to His children, like Jacob in the Bible wrestled with God, I suppose.” The weight of his memories seems to bear down on him, his gaze refocusing on the lake. “In the midst of [her] suffering, I saw glimpses of hope. She believed that a renewed and restored body awaited her on the other side of death’s veil. Sickness might have taken her from this earth, but I believe her soul is resting now, hidden away with a compassionate God. He doesn’t run from pain like humans often do. He’s not afraid of it because He knows what’s beyond the grave. No more suffering for those who cling to Him.”