A review by readwithanerd
The Crown of Gilded Bones by Jennifer L. Armentrout


⅘ Stars

I know what you are thinking… “WhAt! HOw CoUlD yOU GivE ThIS BoOk 4 StArs!” I want to give it the 5 stars that it deserves due to the ending alone. However, I took away a star because of my reading experience I had with the book, and not because of the contents within.

What I Liked:
This book was THICK with information from beginning to end, each page revealed something new and shocking about the different characters, history, and so much more. At one point I felt like I had to get a white board to write down the information because it was too much. Although there were a lot of things to process, it answered a lot of questions I had from the previous books, but on the down side, it created new questions. I love books that are heavy and complex in the many layers of the plot because it shows how much time and effort JLA put into her works and makes the reader truly think.
The romance was beautiful, there were A LOT of smutty momments that I was totally here for, lol. I actually cried during the scene with Poppy and Cas on the ship due to the intimate moment that passed between them after… a certain activity. *wink wink* I love how we got to see the growth of love that was shown between Cas and Poppy… it was just…. Ugh… the perfect man….
I also love how we got to see the relationship grow between Poppy and Kieran and them having an ongoing inside joke about asking questions. Also we learned a lot about Kieran’s character as well, like how we got to see the kind part of him when treats Poppy with care but also see the spicy part of him like at the beach. (I’m not going to say anything more about that sense, lol, iykyk)
I like how there was not a moment that nothing happened, it was event after event after event. This helped bring excitement and wonder while furthering the plot.
Lastly, like always, the ending was the best part, JLA is the queen of cliffhangers.

What I did not Like:
I felt like the events that took place in the first half of the book were repetitive and unnecessary. This made it difficult for me to truly enjoy the book because I felt like I kept saying “Really… again” through the first 400 pages. I felt like the book did not need to be 600 pages to get through the important parts of the plot and development. I felt like the true plot was actually happening around page 450-ish, because the first part was all information, and the information shared kept getting repeated throughout the entire book. (you could have read the last 200 or so pages and still understand the overall plot, which says something because A LOT of stuff happened in this book).
Lastly, I am about 50/50 about the amount of smut because although I love spice I felt like a few scenes were somewhat unnecessary and unrealistic given the circumstances. Like…. you're minutes away from a huge plot development that will change the course of history….. Now is not the time. But at the same time… I loved it because it’s Poppy and Cas and I love them so much.

Overall, everything came together to create the stange for the next books to come.
Side Note* The amount of times that I laughed in this book because of Poppy’s remarks or thoughts was unbelievable. I felt like all the characters either didn't give a frick anymore or they just became funnier. But my love for all of them definitely grew.