A review by saidtheraven
George Washington Gomez: A Mexicotexan Novel by Americo Paredes


I am in love with this book!

I am currently taking a Mexican American Literature class and our Professor decided to open the course with this novel. I could not have been more satisfied. It is very rare the time that I can love a book and really identify with it.

Growing somewhat near where the location of the book took place, it was certainly interesting to see how life was back here in the early 1900's. And how many of those things are still happening today.

Really, it is a book that deals with assimilation, colonization, acculturation, and all the terms that a Mexican American has to go through. Identity is really big. There were times that I could relate entirely to Gualinto and understand that divide of both cultures that he experienced. And seeing him deal with that divide was what I loved reading the most.

Now the ending might come as a bit of a surprise and utter disappointment, but as Paredes said, he had to keep it real as to when the book was written. The ending made the book more realistic and it certainly riles up a reaction from the reader, as it did to me.

I cannot say how much I loved this book from beginning to end. It really is a genius work of art and I'm so glad to have fully had a connection with it.