A review by ellyrarg
The Frame-Up by Meghan Scott Molin


It was fine, a little too name-droppy with the fandoms (like how many references do you really need to cram in to emphasise geekiness?! It wasn’t done in a particularly graceful way, more of a “shoe horn another one in” manner. (Also, lol Wash being Matteo’s patronus)

It was fine. The action was fine, the romance line fine, the reveal, fine. I didn’t love it, but didn’t hate it. I’m kind of annoyed that the GA reveal was withheld, assuming it’s to encourage you to read the following books, but honestly, I don’t know if I want confirmation bad enough to read more of the same.

I did love the drag queen parts. The bants and sequins were fabulous. I’m glad they were woven in.