A review by lekiare
Aster's Coda - Exposure by Amy Rosenfeldt


Here's the gist: Abby and Rocco are siblings who recently lost their mother. What's more, Abby is also being bullied by a trio of guys at school, which makes her life even more unbearable. Then one day she discovers she's special, and maybe not even human, which changes her life forever. Yada, yada, yada.

The blurb for the book seemed interesting, and that's why I requested and received a copy via Netgalley. But that's all that book is - interesting.

I do give the author credit for keeping my attention the whole way through. I wanted to know what happened next. I wanted to know more about this world and the powers and the fate of the characters, and that's why I can't just diss on this book. However, the lack of answers and poor world-building irked me the more I read. Not just that, there were some pretty big holes in the story.

I hated Abby. I get she's traumatized but I don't need to know every single one of her thoughts, especially if they're repeated over and over again. That and the bullying was not realistic at all. At least, the reasons for it happening and not getting fixed, it just didn't make sense! And don't get me started on the big bad. I don't want to spoil the book, but it just didn't make sense!

Don't get me wrong. I liked the author's writing style, and because it did keep my interest to the end, I can't just give it one star. But frankly, I'm not even interested in reading the sequel.