A review by doritobabe
The Girl In Between by Laekan Zea Kemp


2.5/5 Stars

This book was a kindle freebie and has been sitting on my "shelf" for the better part of a year; I figured I had better get around to reading it.

The Girl In Between is a fantasy-ish story about Bryn who suffers from a rare sleeping sickness called "Klein Levin Syndrome" (I heard that in the book it is spelled incorrectly?). KLS sends Bryn in to weeks-long sleeping spells where she is still ambulatory and has some kind of level of consciousness to "interact" with her caretakers, but doesn't remember it all. Due to KLS, her life has been chunked out and she misses a lot of the teenage rites-of-passage events, school, and just "life" in general. During her KLS spells, Bryn has a safe place to go in her imagination. One day, someone else shows up... but how? It's all in her head? Bryn has to figure out where this person comes from and grapple teenage-hood AND figure out what her disease might REALLY be!

Sounds like a fun YA... until you meet Bryn. Bryn is probably one of the meanest, most unexciting because she is so miserable characters. Honestly, my favorite character to read about was her grandmother and she barely got screen time (get it? because it's a kindle?). I feel like the writing was weak and the plot longed for something a bit more, but hey -- it was definitely NOT the worse Kindle freebie, and I a lot of people like it; it's just not my style.

Be warned, however: like most kindle freebies, this book ended with a "cliffhanger" (it just wasn't finished, in my opinion) to get people to purchase the next.