A review by booksandbraids
Call Me Crazy by Melanie Harlow


This was the best Bellamy Creek book so far. I really liked watching their relationship develop. 

My one complaint is that I felt like she started to give up on trying to conceive too quickly. I don’t understand the emotional struggle that comes with that sort of thing, so I shouldn’t really have an opinion, but I feel like 2 months is like nothing in the world of trying to conceive. It’s like wondering why you couldn’t get a 100% on an exam when you only studied for 5 minutes.


  • 4% “Bianca, you brought a fucking book with you and read it the entire time.” She clutched at her chest. “Twilight isn’t just a book to me, Enzo. It’s a whole world. I still reread it every year.” “Twilight? Isn’t that about a teenage vampire?” “At least that vampire was a gentleman.” 
  • LOVE THIS. I too am twilight obsessed and proud at 30. 
  • 5% The look on Enzo’s face was priceless. “A what?” “A baby.” His dark eyes clouded over with confusion. “Whose baby?” “Mine. And . . .” I ate the second olive off the pick. “Yours.” “I don’t have a baby.” I sighed. “Enzo, I know you’re somewhat inebriated, but try to keep up. You need a wife. I would like a baby. One and one can make three.”
  • 😂😂😂