A review by shealwaysreads
The Flash, Vol. 1: Move Forward by Francis Manapul


Overall the comic of The Flash was a good book here’s what I thought of it.

Why I liked it, it told everything that you needed to know about the book to find out the mystery’s yourself. So, you had the feeling that it was coming and something awesome was about to happen but there’s a twist in the story with Mr. Freeze that changes the whole storyline. And you get the feeling that you don’t want to finish the book, but you do want to finish the book at the same. Because you want to know what happens like, oh no something really bad just happened to the Flash is he going to make it out alive. And the imagery of the book is so good you can see every detail even like when flash goes into a time force you can see what the time force visually is like. It doesn’t just say Flash went through the timeline on the next page you can see it.

But although it’s a good book there are some bad things about it to. For example, the words that they used could have been changed up every now and then. And they don’t add everyone that you see in the TV shows/Movies. But the book has more details than the shows/movies. And the words sometimes don’t really match up with the images in the comic.

But the pages where the words match up with the pictures are really good. And the storyline is interesting with lots of twist and turns and that is what I would say it makes the Flash a good graphic novel overall that I suggest you read if you read it hope you like it.