A review by stilestastic
Good Girl, Bad Blood by Holly Jackson


[4 stars]

"And when you really think about it, those words — good and bad, right and wrong — they don’t really matter in the real world."

We'll just ignore who this quote is said by, alright? It's a good quote.

This book wasn't as good as the first one (mostly because I didn't find myself as sucked in as I did before), but it was still written extremely well! I loved the photographs that were included. They made the story so much more realistic and I thought they were a really cool touch.

I haven't read other reviews so I have no idea how others feel, but I absolutely love Pip. I admire her strength and bravery so much because I wouldn't have the guts to do literally anything she has done in this entire series. She's the type to walk headfirst into a dangerous situation in order to find out what's going on, as evident by her walking straight into the farmhouse to find out who's been staying there. Her arc in this story was so believable and done so amazingly. I would have absolutely lost it just like she did a few times. She doesn't always make the right decisions, but she truly does want to help people.

This is just a blanket statement across all forms of media, but I feel like male characters with skewed morals are given more of a pass than female ones. Men are romanticized for being evil and given excuse after excuse (see: Voldemort, Draco Malfoy, Maven Calore, and more) while female characters are shot down the moment they do something that makes them less than prim, perfect, and proper. The lengths that Pip is willing to go to solve these cases is what makes her such an interesting character. Can you imagine how boring the book would be if Pip just waited around all the time? She has to do things herself in order to get to her next lead, and that's exactly what she does.

Once again, Ravi continues to win. I'm not even sure what he's winning at (maybe the war for my undying affection?) but he just is. His understanding of Pip's brain is adorable. I love how Pip has her identity crisis and Ravi says, "You could have just asked me. I know exactly who you are." AAAHHHHH *proceeds to lie on the floor crying*

I was so angry with Ant-and-Lauren. Like, your best friend's brother is missing, and you're not going to lift a finger to support him or help? And you begin to think it's a publicity stunt? Jesus Christ, when Ant kept mocking Pip and said she was busted for "lying", I was ready to punch him. I would have reacted in exactly the same way Pip did. I hate it when people's only personality trait is being in a relationship, which was exactly the case with them. I'll be interested in seeing if they're all still friends with those two after all of this.

One thing I found a bit unbelievable is how everything seems to lead back to Fairview. For such a small town, quite a lot has happened in the past six or so years; it kind of feels like Beacon Hills from Teen Wolf at this point. That's another reason I docked a star. I think, with the next book taking place while Pip is in college, it will be a little more interesting since we'll have new characters and a new setting.

Also, there's going to be a FOURTH BOOK? I hope it's good and this series isn't dragged out too much.