A review by grooovyzeee
Seeds of Yesterday by V.C. Andrews


[ beware spoiler ] absolutely, completely, and utterly disappointed!

hear me out. i love the dollanganger series. flowers in the attic? amazing. petals on the wind? love it. if there be thorns? yes please. seeds of yesterday??? WHY DOES IT EXIST!!! what was done to jory broke my heart, he was such an innocent person. literally his character didn’t add or take away from the story imo. he was the “good” son who would go on to be a ballerina. he was so sweet and accepting of cathy and chris, he was accepting of bart’s bizarre behavior, and he was accepting of cindy as a new addition to the family. then his legs and life and wife were taken away (most likely bc of uncle joel aka john amos part 2… ) and to top it all off, his injuries led to the ugliest reveal of a character’s true nature— melodie. i understand that the dramatic change was shocking and it’s difficult to suddenly have to adapt but the one who truly suffered was jory. to completely ignore him when he needed her most is appalling. then to move on to his brother??? then to give birth to twins and ignore them and then to flee to avoid her responsibilities yet she got away scotch free??? i am baffled.

bart really infuriated me. i was so over him. i never disliked him before bc i felt he was misunderstood and his trauma due to amos resulted in his distortions but in seeds of yesterday he was such a menace. what he did by allowing melodie to physically use him was not okay. not to mention the way he treated cindy and everyone pretty much allowed him to get away with it… what older brother abuses their sister in front of the entire family and gets away with it?? that’s not okay.

then chris really got on my nerves by not believing cathy when obviously cathy is the only one sane enough to see through people and garner their true intentions. i don’t understand why chris insisted that joel was a good person when he obviously wasn’t. just like he swooooreee corrine would follow through and save them from that attic…. but she didn’t, did she?? i still loved chris despite his consistent denial but then he freaking dies. one of the only original characters left from the first book just gone right as they were all about to get away from fox worth hall… i felt just as empty as cathy bc why? they’re endgame. that wasn’t necessary.

then right after chris’ death everything was so jolly lolly. suddenly joel flies away and gets AWAY WITH MURDER AND EVERYTHING ELSE HE DID bc supposedly he wants to die at the monastery but didn’t he go back to foxworth to supposedly be buried with his family???? then bart and cindy become a damned singing gospel duo which honestly makes no sense. i would have loved to see bart apologize to cindy or make up somehow for all his nastiness, slut shaming, physical abuse, and so on but none of that. and we’re all supposed to be happy that cathy is left with nothing? cathy is the main character, the one we’ve grown to love and understand.. yes her decisions are questionable at times but even so i wanted her to be happy. the only thing that gave me any sort of reprieve was that she died as well bc i could not stand the idea of her moving on without christopher doll….

such a shame. i personally felt like there was no resolution or insight on why so many terrible things happened in this part of the series. so many questions. the villains didn’t deal with any consequences. this book was awful to get through. it would have been different had it been a stand alone book bc i wouldn’t have been so attached to the characters but i was and i am. i can only pray that garden of shadows is better despite it being a prequel…

this is not to say that Andrews’ writing was bad, she’s one of my favorite authors BC of her writing style. in fact, you could argue that her writing is so good, it got me THIS riled up. but this last book ripped me a new one.