A review by quirkycatsfatstacks
Rat-Catcher by Seanan McGuire


Rat-Catcher is the first of what I hope will be many short stories featuring the one and only Tybalt. Written by Seanan McGuire, this short story takes place before the main events of October Daye and thus before the first novel even occurs.

The Tybalt we all know and love has gone by many names and titles over the years. While we know him best as Tybalt, King of the Cats, there was a time when he was known as Rand, Prince of the Cats.

For a Prince, all he wanted was to enjoy the little pleasures in life; a good play, the company of his sisters, and a happy life. Instead, he must step up and do what he had hoped would never happen – but what he, in truth, knew was inevitable.

Oh man, Rat-Catcher absolutely broke my heart. I knew that any older tale involving Tybalt would do so, but I was still not emotionally prepared for what unfolded here. This is a tale of Tybalt before he was Tybalt.

Before he was even King, he hasn't come into his own yet, though he is clearly still powerful. Yet there's a difference here, as the Prince was content to be just that. The events that forced his hand...it hurts. Let's just put it that way.

It puts Tybalt's whole story into context in a blinding way. While this one kicked me right in the feels, I actually can't wait to read more about Tybalt's past. Then again, he's my favorite character, so there's no real surprise there.

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