A review by latterature
Dr No by Ian Fleming


A very strong entry in the series. On his sixth canonical outing, Bond is beginning to shed some of the superhuman attributes that previously rendered his character dull and uninspiring and some cracks are beginning to show. Dr No himself is another fantastic villain in the series, though once again, Felming doesn't give much more inspiration behind his motives than simple megalomania. Honey Rider remains an iconic Bond girl her reasons for quickly falling for the dour secret agent are almost believable, in a refreshing change. Still, Fleming can't shred the habit of making people bad by virtue of their ethnicity, and just like the African-Americans in 'Live and Let Die' or the Germans in 'Moonraker', the 'Chinegroes' (Chinese-Negroes) of Jamaica in are sneering, hive-minded henchmen in the service of a powerful countryman. If you can stomach that, however, Bond's escape through Dr No's sinister obstacle course in the novel's final act makes for tense, compelling reading.