A review by kromcakes
Extinction Point by Paul Antony Jones



Not a lot really happens in the whole book.

I did get interested when the red dust came. Wondering what might happen, was it nano bots or? Who knows...Seems a virus is the best guess of the characters. But an intelligent one that moves like a sentient being? Then grows into Aliens from the dead bodies of humans.

New York has a sh#tload of people who all died and turned into aliens but she is able to just ride her bike around without seeing aliens most of the time. They should be EVERYWHERE.


Since halfway through the book she has been preparing to go to Alaska. Wait, wait, wait. Nope not there yet. Getting ready to ride a bike there cause figuring out how to drive would be too hard... Check reviews of the next book and it seems the next one is all about the journey to get there! This one is about discovering the new world then planning for the journey. Geez. Too slow for me.