A review by ljrinaldi
The Sunken Tower by Tait Howard


Dig isn't a wizard. He just knows how to do magic spells. And he hasn't learned a lot of them, but he is going to have to up his game, as he has just been captured to be part of a blood sacrifice. He learns all about that by reading a brochure that his jailers have left for him.

Yeah, it starts out strange, and just gets stranger from there, but in a fun way. This is a rollocking fast, and fun read, with weird creatures about to kill the trio of heroes, as they make their way through the underground city.

And a fun time was had by all. Recommend this book. Oh, and the two women he meet are in love with each other, so there is a lgbtq element, but that isn't a major part of the story.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.