A review by ovvlish
Bound to Please: An Extraordinary One-Volume Literary Education: Essays on Great Writers and Their Books by Michael Dirda


Dirda is a critic who I suspect I have very different tastes from in a few arenas of literary fiction, but he's a very well-read critic, and so I felt that at least if I didn't necessarily agree with his tastes in plotlines and character likability, I did at least appreciate that he could tell me whether something was extraordinary or built for the average reader or whatever else have you. My favorite thing about this book was his selection of literature and reviews to include, and my least favorite thing was Dirda's apparent difficulty in choosing quotes from books that proved his points. Ah, well. Still, highly recommendable, imminently entertaining, regretfully not longer than its 500+ pages. (Do I get points for ending my review like a Dirda review?)