A review by whatjasread
Ophelia by Lisa M. Klein

DNF on page 105. No rating/dates, not adding it to my challenge.

I was really intrigued by this concept: I raved about it to my friends and then reserved it from my library... and proceeded to not care. It had a lot of potential, but the writing style in itself was so all over the place that I had no interest in pursuing the novel further. The writing was a mixture of 16th century English and scenes from the play mixed with modern prose. It attempts to mix the two, but it doesn't succeed. It feels false, which is not what you need.

I'll give Klein kudos for attempting such a big project. Shakespeare is hard to take on, especially since this is not only a modernisation but also a reworking of the facts. The concept in itself was decent, and there were moments which intrigued me. But, they were fleeting moments and I honestly found this book forgettable. I would forget I was reading it until I logged back into Goodreads and saw it on my Currently Reading list.

Unfortunately, I'm not going to continue reading this.