A review by poetry_drive
Butcher & Blackbird by Brynne Weaver


Fuck this shit is twisted and I loved Every. Fucking. Moment. Not only is it a rom-com, it’s also a slow-burn. Jesus, how many tropes can you fit into 1 book? All of them I guess. There’s mafia vibes, gruesome death, romance, trauma, friendship, action, soooo much angst, all the spice, a HEA, MORE action, and then a second HEA. It was so much and not enough at the same time.

Weaver is an AMAZING storyteller. Everything is detailed so you can picture every scene in your head, right down to the hand placement of each character during their first dance. To some that might seem tedious and, generally, I like a little bit of vagueness so I can fill in the smaller details but I actually appreciated Weaver’s attention to detail in this story and the descriptions of places and other people. The entire story practically came alive in my head like a movie. This was so easy to read and I blazed through the 300+ pages in no time.

My *only* gripe is the passage of time is so subtlety mentioned that if you DON’T read every word and paragraph, you miss it. Sometimes it’s just a sentence, sometimes it’s inferred. There is a decent passage of time in their relationship too, which I was a little surprised about.

My takeaways:
1. I’ve never had beef noicose but fuck, if I won’t think of this if I ever eat that fancy.
2. I will, henceforth, always read the ingredients of ice cream.
3. Any old-lady Halloween skeleton decor will now, and forevermore, be named “Mama Mead”.
4. Piercings are hot AF.
5. Always question everyone, even the ones you think are ‘harmless’.

I can’t wait for Lachlan and Lark’s book. I also can’t wait to read about Fionn and Rose and whatever is happening there. IDK how I feel about Phantom but I am intrigued… the Silas-from-the-Da-Vinci-Code character could be interesting, although I am so-so about the seemingly religious aspect of it.