A review by dannimaxwellbabcock
Broken Hearts, Fences and Other Things to Mend by Katie Finn


I don't know why my phone does not post my reviews when I say I finish a book nor do I know why it won't post a status update saying that I finished the book on Twitter. Despite that I figured I should rewrite the review sort of thing that I wrote last night when I finish this book. I like this book I thought that it was a new adult for some reason I'd heard it was a new adult but reading it I realized it was YA and was a summary read like I expected it to be. It was kind of corny at times and a little bit predictable. I made a prediction for the very end of the book and I was pretty freaking close to it there was a little bit a difference between my prediction I would actually happen (honestly I think my prediction was better it would've been cooler). I didn't like where it ended and I felt that the main character was a bit childish at times and yes she was trying to do the right thing even after she did the wrong thing when she was 11 but the overall "plot twist" was something I predicted midway through the book. I wish the book had of ended on a lighter note rather than a sort of cliffhanger to get us to read the second book. Despite all the little things I had issues with I did like the book so I gave it 3.5/5 stars and I will be picking up the short story kind of novella thing about Hallie and will be picking up the second book when it comes out; I want to know what happens to the characters in the next book. I definitely like Amy and Rogers epic detour by Morgan Matson more, but I did really like this book. I can't wait to read second chance summer by Morgan Matson and I might even look at some of the other Katie Finn books.