A review by naiapard
Heartless Sky by Caroline Peckham, Susanne Valenti


Before starting, some disclaimers are in need: I am writing this review at a week distance (or two, or three) after having finished the book.

Moreover, I read the entire (published) series without stopping to write a review for each book. This is the latest book read, ergo this is the book I remember best, so this shall be the one to which I am writing a review first.

Then, I`ll write a review for book 6, book 5, book 4, book 3, book 2 and finally, book 1

You can click directly on the hyperlinks to jump to the reviews for the other books in the series.

I shall start the review with the following extracted part: “I prayed to the stars and they answered,” he said with a smile brighter than I’d seen on his face in years.”

Reading this, I was smiling, too, but from a different reason.

The reference to Rhys` notorious saying is so obvious that I couldn`t let it go so easily. I had to put it in this review, too. This was something that Darius said. How do you thing that Roxy/Tory answered? Well, splendidly typical to a spirit used with things being said on their face: “This makes no sense”. See what she did there? A jab at Feyre that I cannot necessarily blame.

In this book we see Darius and Tory finally being able to be in touching distance without having the sky falling on them. Darcy is still in some cold waters with Orion, but thinks are getting a bit warmer. All the friends and their families took refuge in the sanctuary of the rebels (those fighting against the newly installed despot king and are on the side of the Vega twins—whom they recognize as the true heiresses to the throne).

Nothing much happens event-wise.

There are not that many events that are essential for the world of the characters in general, however many things happened in the particular part, in the part that focuses on relationships. I`ll make an update to them (or at least, to those that I liked/interested me).

I like that there is some evolution into the relationship between Seth and Caleb. At least it seems to be a plausible possibility that it can happen. I do hope this is not a relationship made to exist so as to be some diversity in the mass of heterosexuality (I am saying that because it seems to have been something between Caleb and Seth only from the latest two books –there weren`t any signs of some sparks before—I may be mistaken).

Orion is making some friends (well, he`s trying, it`s an entire process). He grows closer to the other Heirs—heartwarming, especially as they are stuck together in that small space and it would be a pity if they wouldn`t get along while being confined in such a small space.

I even have a funny quote for this. So, Orion was dragged aside by Darius who told him that he should be a bit more open to the idea of making friends with the other boys, especially Seth. Orion was still mad at Seth because he had played with him and Darcy, tricking Orion into believing that Seth was sleeping with Darcy when they were broken up.

The POV is Orion`s:

“Seth played you. I just let him,” he said innocently. “So are you gonna thank his ass or spank it?”
“I’ll ram a fucking pineapple up it,” I muttered.
“He’s a good guy,” Darius pushed and I tsked. “Alright, he’s a bit of a sadist, but he’s got a good heart. Better than most actually. It just doesn’t always seem that way.”
“Well, I’m never gonna be in the mood to go mining for his heart of gold, Darius. […]”

I laughed out loud at the part with the mining.

And, if speaking of Darcy and Orion they are doing quite great in this book (well, -ish, there are some pretty awful things that happen to them, too, but that is nothing in comparison to Tory and Darius.).

Look at a quote in which Orion professes his violent love-obsession for Darcy:

“[…] Darcy said and I shifted in my seat as I looked at her. She was so fucking everything to me, and despite understanding that, all I could think about was her lying in a grave because of Diego and it awoke a monster in me, one more violent than any criminal I’d met in Darkmore.”

This was Orion`s voice. They were having a discussion about Diego. I am not so sure that I appreciated this side of Orion. In this book he became so meek and weak, gone was that imposing person that seemed to know it all and demolish everything and anything that stood in his path. –not that I am cheerleading for an alphahole attitude here, but there was a bit of discrepancy between the two depictions of Orion.

Now, Tory and Darius.

They took advantage of their newly acquired opportunity to be in touching distance. They were like rabbits. They went at it hard and without reprise. It`s okay, the book is long enough to gather complete bliss and traumatic loss under the same package tightened with a pretty vow.

Darius made a pact with the starts. He gave his life to save his mate/soulmate/love and friends. The stars agreed and gave him one more year of life. He said nothing to anyone and so, there appear all these moments through the book in which he starts freaking out if things aren`t moving fast enough.

“What the fuck does Christmas have to do with anything?” Max asked, his expression pinching like he’d read some emotion he didn’t like the taste of.
“I just have to face my father before then,” Darius said angrily, smoke coiling between his teeth […]
“Why?” I asked. “Who the fuck cares about Christmas while all of this is going on?”
“I do,” he replied, his gaze meeting mine and pain sparking there for a moment before his anger devoured it just as fast.
“Well I don’t care what bullshit timescales you’ve put on Lionel’s lifespan,” I replied. “Because this isn’t up to you and you’re not fucking flying off into the night on some suicide mission. We need to make a plan to bring this fight to him the way we have been preparing to for the last year and-”
“I don’t have that long Roxy,” Darius said, moving forward and grabbing my arms as he forced me to look at him again. ”

Of course, Tory/Roxy knows nothing of what he had bargained for, so she remains oblivious to what her soulmate had done. So, yeah, everything is so tragic and so ready to wither under your hands. At least she isn`t anymore under his father`s compulsion. Those parts really made my stomach churn.

Some of the greatest quotes that I took were coming from Tory`s part. Her anger fueled a wall of well-deserved quotes. If there is someone looking to invest into some ideas for writings on throw-pillows, look no further than the treasure of Tory`s sayings. One that I liked (because it was imbued with drama) was the following. This is part of a train of thought that she had in the final chapter of the book when she literally knelt in the mud and cursed and starts:

“I wasn’t nothing. I was fury and agony and untold power combined into a soul which they had tried to cleave apart too many fucking times already.”

Who are these they that have tried to rip her apart? It remains to be seen. I want the next book so badly; I can barely wait for December to come. I flew through 800+ pages like I had no care in this entire world (and I do).

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