A review by halthemonarch
The Magicians by Lev Grossman

Did not finish book.
I don't know why I just can't slog through this one. I love the show a lot and it pains me that I can't get through the book. I've picked it up and put it down so many times; I think it's time to admit I just don't like it. Quentin in the show is great because in the early seasons he IS a presumptuous pig-faced little turd but he eventually learns how to be a decent human being and goes on some pretty cool magical quests with his found family! It's wonderful and fantastic but in the book.... woof. I guess seeing it on screen it's faster than reading through a whole book's worth of presumptuous pig-faced little turd behavior and introspection.

I'm giving it three stars though, even though I never finished it because I actually do like Grossman's writing! I just hate this main character :(