A review by jaimejustreadsromance
A Kiss by the Book by Christy Hayes


If you read my review of A Kiss By Design you know that I was NOT a fan of Zach. Being able to read his side of the story was very helpful in changing my opinion. He isn't really a bad guy but I still think that when it came to his relationship with Emily he was very selfish and pretty naive. While I don't condone cheating I had a hard time with how Zach made Emily and Dylan out to be the bad guys in the whole. My biggest irriation stems from the fact that he thought that he was SO fantastic and wonderful that, even though he knew Dylan was in love with Emily since way back in high school and was always there to comfort her, Emily would just always be there for him to support him and his football career no matter what.
I get it, that was sort of the point, that he and Emily had a relationship based on all the wrong things. I also know that he realized this but he still continuously seemed to put all of the blame off on Emily and Dylan. Then Jenna started to do the same thing. P.S. You guys kissed while he was still dating Emily but I guess that doesn't count against you? That was my least favorite part of their story. I think I still just have a lot of love for Emily and Dylan. Haha.
I did love that Jenna gave Zach a hard time and that she didn't treat him like he was some sort of god. I LOVE that she never went out of her way to dress up and "make herself pretty" just to tutor him. She was exactly what Zach needed without either of them knowing at the time. It was good to see another side of Zach in this book. He tends to come across as a cocky, selfish jock but in reality he is so much more than that. He doesn't like to party and he cares about getting good grades, he hopes for a future in football but is realistic that it might not be in the stars for him so he isn't banking on that alone. I think it showed a great maturity for him to put the responsibility of deciding the outcome of their relationship on Jenna. He didn't want her coming to him because she felt sorry for him or obligated but because she wanted to be with him. It was important that their relationship was decided based on their feelings without outside interference.
It was great to see Zach and Jenna get their HEA. I'm just hoping we get to see little brother Nick grow out of his pervert stage and into his own relationship in the next book, if there is one? A reconciliation between Dylan and Zach would be a welcome surprise in a 3rd book as well. :)

*I received an ARC from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review