A review by witchy_book_babe
Highland Wolf by Lynsay Sands

Did not finish book.
I made it to 48% & decided that I wasn’t caring for the direction that this started to head in. I really enjoyed how this book began, it was really immersive with the language and taking place in Scotland. I instantly fell in love with the FMC, Claray. I thought that she was extremely likeable/cute, her quirks and affinity to always find a wounded animal really put a smile on my face.

The things that just didn’t work for me personally was that I felt zero connection to the MMC. I have not read any of the prior books, so what I have to say may have no real weight here. But, in the beginning of the book I felt that there was a missed opportunity with a mystery that could have been drawn out. Again, I have not read any of the prior installments, so maybe this is just a mystery to me? And it very well could have been mentioned in previous books. But, I enjoy discovering out truths as I read, I don’t prefer for everything to be laid out in a book near the very beginning. I will usually mentally tap out of books when they info dump instead of allowing me to pick things up through the progression of the story. And I didn’t understand the Author’s intent with the MMC, there were a few too many times that I felt that the MMC did and said things that were so unlikeable for no apparent reason?

This book just went in a direction that wasn’t working for me. I skipped to the final chapter and have to say that I found it personally underwhelming. This book may very well work for others. It just wasn’t my cup of tea.