A review by mybrilliantbasset
Women in Clothes by Donora Hillard, Leanne Shapton, Sheila Heti, Ann Tashi Slater, Heidi Julavits


I made it through the whole thing! Great concept with some excellent visual pages that pop (collections, fashion covers re-enacted), but I didn’t learn a thing about women or clothes or any greater emotional truth. I…don’t think the women writing this were the most qualified to do so (see: their kinda pre-woke questions and sensibilities, and the fact that their sample set seems to be made of their friends). I could see this being a good bathroom book to slowly read a page at a time, if what you like in the bathroom is stories from people you’ve never met, identified only by name and no other descriptors, giving not-really-revelatory revelations like: “I feel brave when I wear black and heels.”