A review by emromc
Kill Me Softly by Sarah Cross


This book was hyped up a little at my local library, but when I read it I wasn't impressed. The writing was decent, but I felt that the characters lacked that special something that makes a good book great. The idea was fun but not executed as tightly as I would have liked...it took an effort to suspend my disbelief, and I don't like having to work to believe what I'm reading. The genre (fairy tales in the real world, fractured fairy tales, etc) is hugely popular right now, but this one is not on the list of books I'd recommend.
The other thing that bothered me about it was that it is obviously geared towards teens--we have a fifteen-year-old narrator with friends her age as the protagonists, and yet the book is full of content more suited for a mature audience. The language was severe and the sex content was way too mature for a young-teen audience. I wouldn't let my little sister read this book.
Overall, disappointed.