A review by nghia
Petty Pewter Gods by Glen Cook


My least favorite of the Garrett books (so far, at least).

It breaks out of many of the standard Garrett tropes, which is a nice attempt. It just doesn't pull it off in a very satisfying way.

Unlike most Garrett books, the Dead Man plays a huge role, Morley and Tharpe are barely seen, and things take on a galactic scale. Garrett seemed abnormally whiny in this book and his dalliances with the mandatory beautiful women seemed even more perfunctory than normal.

In the Garrett books, there is a hint that -- despite its episodic nature -- Things Change in the greater world. But after 8 books the hints dribbled out here and there just aren't enough. The failed Tinnie Tate and Maya relationships seemed handled poorly; the "friendships" with Morley, Saucerhead, etc, make Garrett seem like a sponse; the glacial progression of the Glory Mooncalled stuff; etc.

I wish Cook would take some risks and shake the series up a bit. Hell, at this point, even if it does work out he can kill of the series and still have a dozen-odd books in it. Let him get married to Maya. Let some Big Stuff happen.