A review by strawberrylane
The Girl on the Fridge by Etgar Keret


This collection is unique in that the stories are super short - only a couple pages long on average. And for some of his strange ideas, this is the perfect length; they remind me of dream fragments that are fascinating when experienced while you sleep, but which grow dull if you try to describe them aloud when you wake up - by keeping the stories super short he conveys his thoughts but doesn't try to overwork them. However, for many of the stories, the short length prevents them from developing into anything compelling - just as they start to catch your attention, they're over. Ultimately, although I enjoyed his style and phrasing, I only loved a few of the 46 stories in the collection (and actively disliked more than I loved). So I'd give this a limited recommendation for people who find the concept of mini-stories interesting and who don't mind breezing through some duds in order to find and appreciate the standouts.