A review by nerveblockreader
Does It Hurt? by H.D. Carlton

dark mysterious tense medium-paced


⭐️:  Enzo is Italian and what he says just sounds delicious. 10/10 swoon
⭐️:  4/5 spice 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️, of course it got a little repetitive but still enjoyed reading it
⭐️: Overall plot was engaging, and the rollercoaster of a plot had me coming back for more.
0.25 ⭐️:  Enzo’s reaction towards identity theft is 100% over the top. Identity theft just takes a couple daunting phone calls to credit agencies and puts an extra security measure to combat it from happening again. It makes your financial life a tad bit inconvenient, it does not ruin your life because banks protect you against fraudulent transactions nowadays. killing someone over it is not the answer?!?) overall this man is a walking red flag 🚩🚩🚩 
0.25 ⭐️: This book is problematic on so many levels. Their relationship, albeit it works, is trauma bond and Sawyer is so broken that forgiveness comes easily. This is my first HD Carlton book and I had high expectations since so many people had high regards for Haunting Adeline. The middle portion is dragged out for way to long and the hot/cold of Enzo and Sawyer’s relationship had me pulling my hair from frustration. The trauma both MCs have endured was glossed over and could have been explored to deeper levels instead of ‘this old man is creepy’ and ‘this lighthouse/island is odd’ sentiments expressed time and time again. Enjoyed the read, wouldn't read again. 

Side note: 
- Who is Troy and why do we trust him other than being told we can trust him??? 
- what is up with hooking fingers in the jaw/teeth?? I find this mannerism peculiar and don’t see a reason for its repetitiveness. I can see this happening behind closed doors but on a day to day basis?? I have questions 
- Sylvester is coo-coo and demented, what he does is sickening 🤮
- we must protect Simon at all costs 

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