A review by jessicareadsit
Creatures of Charm and Hunger, Volume 3 by Molly Tanzer


Quick confession- I did not realize this was Book # 3 of the Diabolist’s Library series when I requested it however I do not think the story was heavily reliant on its predecessors so we can just chalk it up to me having a slight “blonde” moment in my arc- requesting.

That being said, Creatures of Charm and Hunger was definitely different. Two young girls, envious of each other, forced apart by the deviously dangerous secrets they keep in their journey towards becoming a Diabolist in the renowned societe.

The relationship of Jane and Miriam was brilliantly written by Molly Tanzer as she gave us everything- the good, the bad, the ugly and I love when writers bring new dynamics to the writing game. Sure any writer can give us two jealous girls, but Molly gave us envy mixed with love, fear mixed with bravado, lust vs. love, narcissism vs. humility and the harsh realities of religious and cultural segregation.

While I loved these characters, creatures of charm and hunger was a LOT to digest. The world of Societe was intricate and descriptive to the point of confusion. I appreciate a well built bookverse as much as the next bookist but this was a plot within a plot within a plot within a plot and oh mama, it was a lot to keep track of. I also found certain areas were exaggerated such as the issue of diabolist vs witchcraft and the decisions made by the girls but other pinnacle areas were given a quick rush through. I know we are setting the stage for the next book in the series but leaving some issues flat without justification isn’t really that great either.

Creatures of charm and hunger was definitely different from other paranormal stories out there and would appeal to those looking for new paranormal worlds, secret societies and historical fiction from WWII era.

Many thanks to NetGalley, Mariner Books and Molly Tanzer for a providing me with an arc for review.

Check out my review here: https://jessicareadsit.wordpress.com/2020/08/05/creatures-of-charm-and-hunger-by-molly-tanzer/