A review by jamielibrary
Some Kind of Animal by Maria Romasco-Moore


Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing an advanced copy of “Some Kind is Animal” by Maria Romasco Moore. Thoughts and opinions are my own.

15 year old Jo lives in a rural town where people descend further and further into generational poverty and drug abuse. All the teens long to be the ones who escape but few break the cycle.

Jo has a secret feral twin sister whom she meets at night to explore the forests and national parks surrounding the town. No one knows Jo has a twin until the twin attacks a boy and Jo’s secret life collides with the other self she portrays in society.

This book was bleak and I didn’t feel satisfied by the answers that were uncovered about the past. There was also a lot of woman hating from all of the characters. The ending was unrealistic that they could just ride off into the sunset and not have to face any repercussions for everything that happened. The book ended on a hopeful note which both didn’t make sense and didn’t seem to match the rest of the book at all.

There were also some problematic themes with Jo sort of having feelings for her best friend Savannah but treating her poorly, getting possessive and jealous, and slut shaming her constantly. And then dragging her along into danger she knew full well Savannah would struggle to handle.

While the book was a quick read and not difficult to understand it also didn’t feel like a worthwhile read to me. Maybe thrillers just aren’t my genre because the twists are always too easy for me to see coming.

2/5 stars