A review by blodeuedd
The Cold Kiss of Death by Suzanne McLeod


My thoughts:

The series continues being good, and in this I finally have answers. Anyway Genny still has a lot of problems, witches, a cop who doesn't like her, all the vampires in London that wants to suck her yummy fairy blood, Finn, her boss who wants to be more than friends and then something is going on with the Fae cos they want her now too. As you can see, problems! Not to mention being hunted for murder. What a juicy tale it is.

I like Genny, she is a bit messed up cos of her past where she was meant to be married to an evil vampire at 14 and then fled, but first after being infected by the vampire virus. Then there is the fact that she is actually half vampire/half sidhe. I do wonder when the vampire that was meant to have her will show up. Exciting stuff ahead.

Her love life is kind of non-existent. There is Finn, yes I like him horns and hairy legs and all. But then there is the vampire Malik, he is just so so, oh I am weak and I like him the best. But in this one Tavish, a kelpie got introduced, and I hope to see more of him too. What is going to happen is anyone's guess.

There is action and drama. Finding the real killer, staying out of everyone's way, evil witches, ghosts, her borrowed self Rosa, oh you never have a dull moment reading this book. It kept me guessing until the end. Who is really after her?


Great urban fantasy that I do recommend. Great world building, lots of Fae, trolls and more. A bit of sexual tension, and questions to be answered. Nice London setting and when I finished I wanted book 3..which I will read later this week ;)

Reason for reading:

I needed more!


Refreshing UF