A review by nightc0urt
The Drowned Woods by Emily Lloyd-Jones


This book was so promising you guys (insert crying emoji) but it just fell SO flat for me. The prologue, the premise and the corgi had me, but I just struggled so much while reading this that I gave up around the 80%(ish) mark, I just couldn’t do it anymore.

Mer (the main character) is your typical YA fantasy female protagonist (which I usually love btw) but she was just so dull. She just had zero spark and life to her for her to be this amazing glorified water-bender.

I also think I just didn’t enjoy how the story as a whole was written, it felt choppy at times and switches POV’s out of nowhere. It definitely could use some namer headers which leads me to the “monsters” names in this book. I know this is a fantasy and I’ve read a TON of fantasies where there are some out there names but the names of these creatures?! They were truly out of this world