A review by sham1ka_
How to Grieve by Jade Mark Capiñanes

emotional funny hopeful reflective fast-paced


 This is extremely short, yet hard-hitting. It makes you want to laugh at the instant of reading a passage, then tear up at the realization of what the writer truly meant. The general theme of these stories is moving on from break-ups, but seeing as i've never been through a break-up myself, it suffices to say that you don't need to have been through one just to relate to what's in here.

Not all of the stories came to a satisfying end or had some punchline within them, and for me that's okay. Sometimes dealing with difficult things means meandering. Though i'm not sure that was intended, Capiñanes did really well in representing how absurd we can be after a loss.

There may be lots of things to improve about this, but i'm still currently blinded by the amount of vulnerability present in this book, that i have lost the capacity to be critical of it. Juxtaposed with other Philippine contemporary media, How to Grieve by Jade Mark Capiñanes definitely deserves an above average rating for the level of awareness of the human condition it contains.