A review by liketheverb
A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro


Tl;dr: A fun story with relatable characters, a good narrative voice, and measure of wit and humor.

A Study of Charlotte is Sherlock Holmes with a modern twist in which the story follows the lives of Charlotte Holmes and Jamie Watson, the three-times great grandchildren of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. At first glance this story feels cliche and insipid, but Cavallaro conquers several complex ideas in her introductory installment. Masterfully introducing our two protagonists, Cavallaro doesn't hesitate to throw in a dead body and a mystery to test the waters. Throughout the story you watch Charlotte and Jamie interact with one another and follow their budding friendship. While the story itself is brief, it packs a great deal of character development and suspense in a small package, that will leave you reaching for it's sequel.