A review by lee
Activities of Daily Living by Lisa Hsiao Chen


I have mixed feelings about this book. On the one hand, I appreciated the uniqueness of this book’s structure, where the entire story essentially followed the main character Alice as she went through various “activities of daily living” that included becoming a caretaker for her stepfather as well as working on a project about reclusive artist Tehching Hsieh. Each chapter consisted of seemingly random snippets into Alice’s life, interspersed with various tidbits about the Artist (as that is what he is referred to throughout the story), though the details ended up melding together to the point that it becomes difficult to tell whose life — Alice’s or the Artist’s — was being described.

Having said all that, the unique structure was also what made this a difficult read for me — the narrative seemed to lean toward the philosophical and abstract, with the story also going off on so many different tangents that it made the main arc hard to follow. To be honest, even after finishing this, I found it hard to describe what the story was about. There was tons of “name-dropping” — references to famous people from the literary, art, and philosophy worlds as well as historical places and events, which in itself wasn’t a problem, but then the author, Lisa Hsaio Chen, would follow those references with details that would go on for pages, only circling back to the current situation at hand near the end of the chapter. While Chen never makes any connection outright between all the random people / places / events that get brought up throughout the story and the things going on in Alice’s life, my guess is that, in structuring the story this way, perhaps Chen was expecting us to see the parallels and make the connection ourselves. Nothing wrong with that technically, but it just made for an exhausting read that I had neither the time or patience for at the moment.

The other thing that made this a frustrating reading experience for me was the inconsistency of the writing, which made parts of the story hard to follow. In addition to more grammatical and sentence structure issues than I would’ve preferred (I mean, I understand that this is an ARC, but still), there were also times when the author would insert new characters into the story without introducing them or wait until several pages in to introduce them— this was frustrating in the sense that it was both distracting and it broke the flow of the story, as I had to flip back to previous sections of the book to see if I perhaps missed a reference somewhere.

Going into this book, I really wanted to like it and while I found the premise interesting, plus the concept of the story had a lot of potential, the execution unfortunately didn’t really work for me. There wasn’t much of a plot to speak of, which is usually fine as long as the characters are well-drawn, but in this case, I couldn’t seem to connect to any of the characters either.

With all that said though, there were some elements that were done well and held my interest (hence I didn’t rate this as low as I probably would have normally), it’s just that I wasn’t expecting for it to be so tedious and require so much patience. Of course, it could just be me — since this one doesn’t publish until April, I would suggest waiting for a few more reviews to come out first to get a a more well-rounded opinion before deciding whether to pick this one up.

Received ARC from W.W. Norton Company via BookBrowse First Impressions program