A review by wyrmbergmalcolm
Mussolini: His Part In My Downfall by Spike Milligan


'You don't have to be mad to fight here, but everyone else is so you'd fit right in' would be an
approprate summation of these books. Words like: honour, glory, heroism, patriotism are for posters. After reading these books you'd know they should contain such words as: mud, hunger, mud, smoking, mud, boredom, mud, terror, mud, smoking.
Certainly, it seems like the exploits of Milligan and others like him kept people going through the hells they found themselves in. Filled with his unique brand of humour and daftly captioned pictures, these books give great insight into the thoughts, feeling and camaraderie of the average soldier. What makes this book different to the three before it is the life-changing event that befell Milligan when he narrowly missed getting blown up by a mortar. Tonally the book changed from a humorous account of the bloody uselessness of it all to the drastic need of a damaged man to write down memories that haunt him.