A review by saram84
Imaginary Girls by Nova Ren Suma


A story about two sisters who think they know each other but one night during a drunken party changes everything between them. Ruby is the 19 year old teenage girl who has everyone in their small town wrapped around her finger. Everyone seems to do anything she asks and she always gets her way. Chloe is her 14 year old sister who adores her and wants to be just like her.

One night at a reservoir in town Ruby brags that Chloe can swim across the two mile reservoir. Chloe willingly obliges Ruby and starts to swim. When Chloe gets tired she stops and discovers a dead girl in a row boat. The girl is Chloe’s classmate London Hayes and has overdosed.

Afterwards, Chloe is forced to leave town and live with her father for two years. Then randomly, Ruby shows up and tells Chloe to come back home. When Ruby does come she comes face to face with London Hayes who has been dead for two years. How is she alive? Why doesn’t anyone remember her death? Why did Ruby come back after two years to get Chloe?

I found the premise of this book engaging and intriguing. I wanted to read more about these mysterious circumstances. But other than the premise there was not much else to like about this book. All characters were unlikeable in this book and that never changes. Even worse, none of the characters change or grow throughout the book they are pretty much the same selfish cold people they were in the beginning. I had trouble with the writing style as well it seemed as though scenes were not transitioning and all of a sudden the characters were doing something completely different from the previous paragraph. In the end, I finished the book because I was interested enough to keep reading but it really wasn’t for me.