A review by headcanonheadcase
Stolen Heir by Sophie Lark


This is dark romance done right. It wasn't dark for the sake of being dark. It was the perfect blend of a mafia romance and a Beauty and the Beast retelling.

After his adoptive father and mentor was killed, Mikolaj vows revenge on the families responsible. He sets his sights on Nessa, the innocent daughter of the Griffins and beloved sister-in-law of the Gallos. He'll be able to strike back against both families by kidnapping her. It's the perfect plan. But what Miko didn't factor on was Nessa's beauty and allure. She may be his prisoner, but she's capturing his heart.

This book was addicting; like seriously addicting. I didn't want to put it down. Stolen Heir was my first Sophie Lark book but it will not be my last. I really enjoyed all the unique ways she included nods to Beauty and the Beast throughout the book. For example, Nessa seeks out a library and then uses the books to secretly learn Polish. And speaking of Nessa, she was surprisingly brave and refreshingly smart. And Miko was strong and decisive. I enjoyed that he listened to both his heart and his gut throughout the book.

Thank you to Bloom Books and NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own. I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone looking for a mafia romance with heart.