A review by liberrydude
Little Green by Walter Mosley


Easy has risen from the dead. Last time we saw him he was going off a cliff into the ocean and it appeared the series was over. He was declared dead since the police couldn't find a body. Mouse found his body hidden on a shelf in a cliff, brings him home, and he's nursed back to while being in a coma. No sooner does he wake up than Mouse asks him for a favor. What are friends for? Easy is not too steady on his feet and is still weak in body but not spirit, however with some homeopathic gator blood from friends he proceeds to find a missing teenage boy. This hunt leads him all over LA dealing with hippies, gangsters, and some past acquaintances surprised to see him alive. What I love about this series is not so much the plots but the social commentary and the interactions Easy has with his family and just folks on the street he meets at random. I got lost in the plot at one point with several characters in some sort of conspiracy to find the missing boy. Naturally money is involved as well as drugs. Easy is a righteous man. He's a good man, but you don't want to get in his way or mess with him when he's on a mission.