A review by froydis
Aviary Wonders Inc. Spring Catalog and Instruction Manual by Kate Samworth


4 1/2 stars -
This is really a beautiful book, and makes a great point about endangered species without being too preachy. Its very imaginative and the illustrations are beautiful. I did find the illustration of the little bird thing before all the embellishments a tad disturbing - is it a bird? Where did that come from? Its obviously alive, but what happened to all its own parts?? It gives a lot of food for thought, and opens up an area for conversation with children. While making your own bird may be exciting and fun, one is left to wonder what happened to all the real birds in this future world? Many of the bird parts come from endangered or already extinct animals, and this can be a great way to introduce kids to the ideas of environmentalism and taking care of the natural world so we don't lose any more birds. A fun and thought-provoking read!