A review by bibliophile90
Bears Behaving Badly by MaryJanice Davidson


**ARC provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review**

- 3.5 stars -

Bears Behaving Badly is my first book by this author. I love paranormal romances, even if I don't read them as often as I would like. The first thing I had to get used to was the writing style. It took me some time to figure out who was saying what, and sometimes I had to read a sentence twice before I understood fully what was going on. It was pretty chaotic at times, and there were a lot of characters I had to get used to in the beginning. This story is more of a paranormal romcom and it was pretty light for most of the story. I thought the suspense was done really well. I was trying to figure out who the bad guys were and what they were really up to. I loved seeing Annette and David work together and keep their lust for each other in check.

They both have been having fantasizing about each other, but they didn't think the other was interested so they never pursued anything more. The whole I am not good enough thoughts got a bit annoying at times. I also didn't like that the romance was put on the back burner until the last quarter of the book. I wanted more growth in the relationship, but the story was mainly focusing on the case they were investigating. If this book was part of a series and Annette and David's story would pick up where this one ended, then it wouldn't have bothered me as much. But I am assuming this is a stand-alone and the next book will focus on another couple. So I wasn't satisfied with the romance aspect of this book. But the mystery, suspense, and comedy aspect was done really well. I did enjoy the world the author created, and I do look forward to reading more books in this series.