A review by irraya
A Dog's Promise by W. Bruce Cameron


While the first two books were made into movies that made it to the cinemas, this feels like a "straight to tape/dvd/Blu-ray" kind of story.

This dog (Cooper) was a reincarnation of Bailey, yet didn't have memories as Bailey. However, other reincarnations in this book had all memories of Cooper. Quite silly. Would have been better to just have a dog with a separate identity to Bailey.

The prologue chapter had me rolling my eyes. Bailey has a "job" to do? So his whole purpose in life is to "fix" Ethan's family?

The first third of this book was nice. But it was all downhill from there. I found myself annoyed with the story quite a bit. If it had been a standalone, I might have quit it, even if I was mostly done with the book. I stubbornly kept going on, much to my disappointment.

The dog parts were amusing at first, but soon started feeling dumb and childish. The people and their stories were quite boring after the first third. There really wasn't much to the story, nor was there much excitement.

Cooper, *a dog*, did not like the smell of vomit? Dogs eat their own vomit and shit, but this dog didn't like the smell?

There was another dog that was introduced in this story, out of nowhere.
SpoilerA dog that also reincarnated and her and Cooper always found their way to one another. What was the point of this? That Cooper/Bailey has found his soulmate now?